Jan 26, 2021 | fathers, Parent, Parenting, Self-esteem, sporting parents
“You are doing amazingly at…” “Are you about to tell me off”? “Err, yes…how could you tell?” “You were doing that X-factor thing of saying something nice before saying something cutting. You were just nice so you could...
Dec 31, 2018 | Parenting, Puberty, Self-esteem, Sporting character, sporting parents, Uncategorised
To support your child in their sporting endeavours in 2019 can you have these awkward conversations? As our children get older, there are conversations which become more awkward. As parents of sporting athletes, there are several conversations which, despite their...
Jan 16, 2018 | coaches, Parent, Parenting, Self-esteem, Sporting character, sporting parents
Imagine volunteering for an hour only to disappoint everyone? Fancy giving up part of your weekend knowing you were going to be tutted at, shouted at and called names, accused of cheating and being blind. Referees are probably the unsung heroes of weekend grassroots...
Jan 16, 2018 | character at home, Emotions, Parenting, Self-esteem, Sporting character, sporting parents, Uncategorised
Your child has just lost a match or a competition or a race that was really important to them. They sit slumped in the car, holding back the tears. As a parent in this difficult position you are going to want to say three things that come to mind. Three things which...
Jun 23, 2017 | boys stepping up, Self-esteem
“I’m not holding his hand” “I’m not holding his hand!” We asked the boys to get in a circle and hold hands so we could play a game…honestly you’d have thought that we’d asked them to drink acid! But by the end of...
Jun 21, 2017 | Parent, Self-esteem, Sporting character
When you think of some of the most successful sportswomen and men of our generation, it does not take long to see that many have a driven parent. Such as the Williams sisters, Andy Murray and Lewis Hamilton. So is that what is needed to have successful children? To be...