Here is the best, practical and easy way to take your cricket conversations with your child to the next level.
Wow we covered a lot of material in ‘the best cricket season yet’
But now it is over to you to take all that we talked about and apply to home to help your children have their best cricket season yet.
‘Their best season’ yet is a resource designed to do just that.
It is 15 videos that you watch with your child looking at the key areas cricket parents will want their children to grow in for the coming months.
This unique sports parent resource gives you a practical and easy way to take your cricket conversations with your child to the next level.
The topics covered will enable you to follow up our sessions together with impacting conversations with your children.
How it works is really simple. You watch the short film together and then discuss the questions with your child.
This way you have a useful structure as your child listens to me sharing insight and thoughts. It is not Mum or Dad having to do all the talking. You can blame me for starting the conversation and then together to can discuss what I said. ( even disagreeing if you want!)
It is very flexible, and you can access it as and when you want.
Included in the resource at no extra cost are two Emergency packs.
Titled: Help I’ve got a problem with my child’s coach and Help my child’s hit a major bump in the road (selection or injury.)
These emergency packs just sit there waiting to be watched until you need them. When you can ‘rip the seal off them’ and get the wisdom needed to navigate those difficult conversations with your child.
Both tools are meant to take away the heavy lightning for parents and draw on my 20+ years of experience in helping parents have potential growing conversations with their children.
After all, as parents, all we want is our children to enjoy their sport and have the best season yet.
If you are a member of Sports Parents Alliance: login and then use this link to gain access to the course.
If you are NOT a member of Sports Parents Alliance, use this link to gain access to the course.
Any questions Email us here