Black Friday Special Offer

‘Conversations for the Journey’

You can either buy the book at it’s lowest discounted price…or you can buy it at normal price and I’ll give twice the difference to charity. 

To get your Black Friday copies see below. 

Black Friday makes me uncomfortable. The frenzied hunt for a discount I think diminishes our humanity. 

Now I love a bargain as much as the next person and I understand for some getting the book discounted is the only way you can afford to get it or a team pack because budgets are tight. I’m just trying to give you the chance to make a great purchase for you and for other families on Black Friday.

As a family we love the Family Holiday Association. This is what they do..

“Summer sunshine at the beach… Exploring somewhere new… A simple few days away with the ones you love… We all know how much happier a break can make us feel.

But what if you’ve never had this opportunity? What if a severe illness or disability is making life painfully difficult? Or what if you are confronted with mental health problems or domestic violence on a daily basis?”

Which is why on Black Friday I want to ask you to do something something usual and that is pay full price for an item. I know, crazy right.  I totally understand if you need to buy the discounted book or team pack- go for it. However, could you afford to pay the ‘normal’ price then together we will make a donation to a charity which makes a massive difference for families. Basically I will match your donation and your donation will be the difference between the discounted and normal price.

(Sorry this deal is for the UK only, if you are overseas you can get your copy on Amazon here.)

Here is what the book is about: Sporting car journeys have always presented challenges for us parents.

Before and after your child’s big game, whether they win or lose what should you say? How should you say it?
How can you help them deal with the flurry of emotion and pressures?
Why not watch the author being questioned interrogated by his daughters about the book on the right?
This 64 page conversation companion provides 40 creative ways of dialling down the stress and priming your child for success on and off the sports field. It will guide you into positive conversations to strengthen your relationships and nurture the character you want to see your son or daughter develop.  On the journey to and from the sports fixtures, over the phone or on Skype, these conversations starters will enable you and your child to stay focused on what really matters for their future.
‘Conversations for the journey’ don’t have to be difficult- are you ready for the challenge?’


1 Printed Copy (UK)
£7.95 + £2 P&P  

Buy this copy and together we will donate double the difference between this price and the Black Friday price to the Family Holiday Association.

Team Pack – 25 copies & coaches how to use guide £148 including P&P (UK only) – £50 Saving!

Buy this copy and together we will donate double the difference between this price and the Black Friday price to the Family Holiday Association.

Black Friday deal. 

1 Printed Copy (UK)
£5.95 + £2 P&P

(Normal price £7.95)

Black Friday deal. 

Team Pack – 25 copies & coaches how to use guide £138 including P&P (UK only) – £60 Saving!

Endorsements for the book from the coaching world.