Jul 19, 2018 | Parent, Parenting, Sporting character, sporting parents
As a parent, it’s hard to reflect on how we impact our kids because of a number of reasons. Playing games which give parents opportunities to change the narrative, to give parents ‘different’ roles in the story. Playing games is a “safe”...
Jun 28, 2018 | Uncategorised
Today I had joy of going on Womans Hour on BBC RADIO 4( You can hear it on the video on the right) It came about because of this blog I wrote: A Dad’s Confession: I don’t enjoy time with my kids equally (…and neither do you!) Being honest about how we are as parents...
Jun 24, 2018 | Parent, Sporting character, sporting parents
What is it like to play sport with adults shouting at you? Here is what it can sound like and looks 100 kids shouting at 8 adults playing human connect 4. (Thanks to Richard Cheetham for the game) Then we tried try a walking touch Rugby? Then we invited the kids to...
Jun 15, 2018 | environment, Parent, Parenting
Parents use “video” evidence to challenge results! Are these parents awful or is it the sporting environment which is tainted? I’m gutted for the teachers who said they’d try and work out who came 1st, 2nd and 3rd, however…… Two...
May 17, 2018 | Uncategorised
SportParentEU have just produced an excellent library of tips for sporting parents called “PROMOTING THE HEALTH, WELLBEING, AND ENJOYMENT OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE INVOLVED IN SPORT: TIPS FOR PARENTS”. It can be found here: The document is 16 pages long...